
Special Gifts Theatre’s programs foster self-confidence, social, speech and language skills in individuals with disabilities. We work as a community to use educational and therapeutic techniques with the stage as the platform integrating creativity and fun.

Our Programs:

Creativity In Motion - 7+ Years Old

A therapeutic movement class where students engage in embodied storytelling for individuals with disabilities.

Creating Outside the Lines - 22+ Years Old

A theatre program that puts creativity into action through impromptu storytelling and team based performance for adults.

Musical Theatre - 10-22 Years Old

A main stage program focusing on learning educational concepts embedded in a musical and rehearsing in preparation for a full stage production for students with disabilities.

Peer Mentor - 10-18 Years Old

For neurotypical individuals that are matched with students in the Musical Theatre and Creativity in Motion programs for .
students performing

See Sean's SGT Experience: